Top 5 Profitable eCommerce Business Ideas for 2020


The growing incredibility of data and the easy door-to-door delivery at scheduled timing has made eCommerce quite popular among customers. Today, it is ideal to venture into eCommerce business to make some extra money. In the past few years, eCommerce businesses have witnessed exponential growth. According to sources, Indian retail e-commerce is expected to grow at a CAGR of 23 percent from 2016 to 2021, and witness a rise in online customers to reach 329.1 million. With these statistics, it is evident that eCommerce business is flourishing. All it takes to build an online store is a domain name, website hosting and one of the top eCommerce website builders.

Cosmetics and Health Products

The cosmetics and health products have always been one of the trending businesses amongst others. Especially, organic and handmade beauty products are gaining traction in recent times making this business a go-to option for every entrepreneur. This business is extremely profitable and ideal business for young individuals who possess exception marketing skills.

Online Edu Classes

Online educational courses are quite common, these days. There are numerous teachers and graduates who could share their valuable knowledge through an online site. Such individuals could be gathered to create and deliver unique educational contents on the website.

Second-Hand Products

Right now, people don't hesitate to use second-hand products, provided the products sold are of good quality and are in proper condition. To proceed with this business idea, the entrepreneur needs to just collect the seller's list and the item they prefer to sell and categorize the items on the eCommerce website. The second-hand products would be cheaper, therefore; it would attract more customers easily.


Jewellery business is highly profitable, be it artificial, handmade or real jewels. If you are a creative person then designing and selling it online would fetch high margins. Also, buying the products directly from the manufacturers and selling them online at higher prices would definitely bring high profits.  


Presently, people prefer to read digital books over traditional ones. It's easy to access, travel friendliness features have attracted readers towards digital version. Thus, selling ebooks could earn high revenues easily.

In this information age, there are several eCommerce business ideas around us. When it comes to eCommerce, the investment could be minimal but the profits earned can be pretty decent as the business gains popularity.