The Ten Best Companies For Women

Johnson & Johnson
The percentage of employees who are women is 47 in the pharmaceutical giant and the percentage of female senior managers is 40.
For over fifteen years, the pharmaceutical, consumer products, and medical device company has had a program called the Women’s Leadership Initiative, working for the advancement of women.
In 2013, the company set up the Executive Forum, a support and networking group made up of the 100 top female leaders in the company who work to accelerate their own careers, while sponsoring junior women and promoting recently hired women.  The company has three women on its 13 woman board.

MassMutual Finance Group

The percentage of employees who are women is over 50 at the insurance firm and the percentage of senior managers who are women is 32.

State Farm

At an Illinois-headquartered insurance company, State Farm, 59 percent of employees are women; this includes 39 percent of senior managers and 36 percent of executives.
"Women provide an integral part of our diverse workforce," State Farm spokeswoman, Missy Dundov said. "It is clearly evident that women at State Farm are making powerful contributions at all levels of our organization."

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