Revealed:The First Salaries of Your Favorite Celebrities

Rohit Shetty: Standing in the Bollywood industry in tough times can be a struggle. Rohit shetty, acclaimed director with many of his movies foraying into the 100 crore club is remarkable. He struggled in real life and got into the art of directing as early as 15. When he started assisting director Kuku Kohli, he got an amount of 35 as daily allowance. Rohit used to get his conveyance at that time. During those starting days, he didn’t even have enough money and now, he is counting on crores.

Priyanka Chopra: She is born to doctor parents and went ahead to become a Miss world. And, presently not only she is the leading lady of Bollywood, but is venturing into International fields as well. She is the owner of assets worth crores and millions. To this lady her first salary is her prized possession and she treasures it till now. She got 5,000 as her first salary for a professional assignment and she did not spent a penny out of it and gave it all to her mother and still the amount is safe with her.

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