India To Flag Market Access Of Drugs And Spices With U.S.

New Delhi: India and the United States will try to reach Monday a framework to deal with safety concerns and access of Indian drugs, fruits and spices in the American market that have become an irritant in bilateral relations, besides exploring new areas of collaboration.

Indian policy makers will take up with visiting U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg all the issues ranging from the quality of products and safety standards in Indian pharmaceutical plants raised by the FDA and access of certain foods, fruits and spices to the US market, sources said.

Hamburg will meet health and commerce ministers and top officials on ongoing collaboration on food and drug programmes and strengthening cooperation between regulators of the two countries.

Currently, India is the second largest provider of finished drugs and the eighth largest exporter of food products to the U.S.

"I look forward to enhancing our existing relationship and identifying additional opportunities for collaboration," Hamburg said in a statement ahead of the visit.

During the Feb 10-18 visit which will take her to Mumbai and Kochi, Hamburg will meet industry representatives to discuss quality control of medical and food products exported to the U.S.

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Source: PTI