App-Only; A New Trend Among Local Service Startups

BENGALURU: Many E-commerce companies are using App-Only facility to their customers to focus on large group of Smartphone’s as well as tablet users. Many are pulling away from their original company webpage from desktops and bringing them into an App-only facility. In India, many local service startups are app-only. Hungry Bells is a mobile app that gives users food options and restaurant choices based on their preferences, according to TOI.

Some startups, like Cogxio which is an online dating app, were driven to launch exclusively as mobile apps due to their product specifications and also for privacy reasons. This is because some apps require data that can be provided only by mobiles. Uber, which is a Taxi app rivaling against Ola, still, uses website and call bookings and 90 percent of bookings happen on its mobile app.

Beaconifi Mobility, is also an Mobile App that helps to discover restaurants and services provided by it. By using a mobile app, people find it easy to search and locate restaurants and other places instantly anywhere anytime, rather than using a desktop website which has its own limitations. However, these startups also face a huge problem when they launch on a single platform. Since it is an app-only company, it will be difficult to advertise their products.

The App users are like Gods to e-commerce companies and it’s not easy to keep everyone happy on the webpage. The expectations of customers change with bigger screens. Customers find hand-held devices more comfortable and easy to use.

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