Here's the Favorite Investments of the Richie Rich

How many luxury trips a year?

When it comes to holidays, the rich play smart. They prefer going on frequent trips but for shorter durations. The number of luxury trips they take every year has increased over the year. About 50 percent of them take one or two trips, 37 percent of them take 2-4 trips, and 13 percent go on more than 5 luxury trips annually.

How much do they spend on luxury travel?

A HNI couple spends a minimum of 1.2 lakh per night, on an average on each luxury trips. The report reveals that 67 percent of the rich spend 1 lakh to 3 lakh per annum on luxury tours. And 28 percent of HNIs spend up to 50 lakh and 4 percent spend beyond that.

Whom do ultra HNIs rely on for their investment decisions?

It seems HNIs do not rely on financial advisors and wealth managers. They prefer taking a combined decision after consultation with close family and friends. Their past experience usually guides them with financial decisions.

The ultimate question—what is the source of their wealth?

Success in business and real estate predominate. Apart from these two major sources, equity market is another place where they earn their wealth from.

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