Facebook's $4 Billion Impact on India, Hitting The Road For Economic Success

 BANGALORE: A revenue generation of $ 4billion in a year, ain’t that big? Well, that’s the state of the impact the giant networking site- Facebook had on the Indian economy last year. Facebook has been successful in promoting global economic activity by connecting the dots between people and businesses, forging new possibilities and generating more revenue, reports, besides, the networking site is also reported to have yielded 3, 35,000 jobs,Trak.in

Deloitte, a global consulting firm, had to put up with an arduous task of analyzing how the market for Facebook, podiums, forums and connectivity has contributed to the economic growth and rate of employment over the world. The firm has created a report- Facebook’s Global Economic Impact for the same.

facebook impact on indian economy"People believe that technology creates jobs in the tech sector and destroys jobs everywhere else," said Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer at Facebook.

 “The good news is that the tech industry is powering the economy and creating jobs within and beyond its own campuses. Every day, businesses of all sizes, sectors, and skill sets are using the Facebook platform to grow and expand," she added.

 She referred to Facebook’s aid to its users by providing a platform for small-scale businesses in marketing and promoting their products. She also mentioned in her interview about a group of girls from Bengaluru, India about having started their small venture of hair accessories through Facebook.

Brothers from Kolkata, India- Jayant and Rajat Agarwalla, are yet another example who launched the facebook version of their game that brought them great returns.

India is estimated to have the most number of Facebook users in 2015 creating the largest market for the giant networking site.

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