8 Big Brands and Their Remarkable Website Makeovers

Bangalore: As internet has become one of the biggest platforms of successful communication and advertising, few of the most famed brands and companies spend billions to design attractive and classy websites. The websites not only provides information about the company but is also considered as a status symbol, classier the look, better the brand gets promoted.

But once upon a time these good-looking brand websites were not as striking as they are today. Here are few of the most famed brands whose websites have changed drastically over the years, listed by Business Insider.

1. Coca- Cola

Coca-Cola has always been innovative and has come up with few of the most unique advertisements. And while redesigning its website in November 2011 again the company has lived up to the hopes. The website now looks like an online magazine called ‘The Coca Cola Journey’. Leaving behind the ancient methods of promotion, the website not only provides information but also features many articles and subjects like environment, entertainment, health and sports.

2. Budweiser

When Vitro agency was asked to redesign the website of the U.S. beer giant, Budweiser, the agency focused on key aspects like an easy-to-keep posted site or publishing stage that can keep up with the countless activities Budweiser is involved in, and is a part of.

The current website is one of the most attractive and lively and provides opulence in terms of content, visuals and community.

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