7 Women Who Currently Command The Most Influence In The World!

sdMelinda Gates (Co-Chair, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation):
Education - MBA, Fuqua School of Business; Bachelor of Arts/Science, Duke University.
Citizenship – United States.

Through the foundation, which she set up with her husband in 1998, Melinda Gates gave nearly $3.4 billion to philanthropy in 2012. The Foundation’s focus is to improve health care, especially the reproductive health of women in developing countries, reduce poverty and provide educational opportunities across the world. In 2002, the Gates Foundation had announced a 10-year, $100-million initiative to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in India.

sdDilma Rousseff (President, Brazil):
Education -
Bachelor of Arts/Science, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
Citizenship – Brazil.

Since her induction as the president of Brazil in 2011, Dilma Rousseff has managed to maintain a high approval rating. Like Angela Merkel, Rousseff, too, criticised the U.S. government and the National Security Agency (NSA) for spying on her. That said, her government had drawn a lot of criticism over its spending on the Fifa World Cup it hosted  last year. In 2013, millions of people had taken to the streets to protest against the Confederation Cup, and there are fears that violence and anger towards the government will only escalate.

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