10 Business Ideas with Low Or No Investment

#7.Recruitment Firm

Setting up a recruitment firm is one of the successful businesses; with the unemployment rate increasing there is a huge demand. To start off with this business you don’t need huge investment, the only thing you would require is a small office space and contacts of few small and big companies. With the economic crisis affecting most of the companies in India and across the globe, companies are not willing to employ many staff on a permanent basis. Instead, they want contract staffs to cut cost.

If you have a recruitment firm, you can go employ staffs for the companies and the companies will pay you certain amount as commission for a particular period. The key to the success of this business is that you must know what the company wants.

#8.Real estate consultant

It is one of the most profitable businesses in India, as the demand for properties is increasing rapidly day by day, one can start as a real estate consultant by guiding people who wants to acquire properties, and earn money.

For each deal you make, there are possibilities of getting 1 or 2 percent as a commission fee on top of your consultant charges. One can make a good return on the investments made in this business.

#9.Office material supplies

Many materials are required by the offices and schools all year round in India. This is a small business that requires little start-up capital. To do this business successfully, one has to have proper papers and get it registered to have free access to offices without any obstacles.

In addition to that, one should have the capability of building good business network and connections to run this business then one could be successful.

#10.Laundry Services

Once can start this business with small office space and low capitals. With the busy schedule of people in India, they have no time to do laundry and since very few companies are providing these services, it is a good option to start this business.

 And if done in a proper way, one can make more money than expected.

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