Top 8 Unusual Gadgets At CES 2015

#GIGL Smart Bottle

 Technology has now tuned down to meet the needs of toddlers. The baby tech trend includes products like the GIGL Smart Bottle, which supervise and instructs on feeding to Temp Traq, a wireless temperature monitor which can be worn like a band aid.

GIGL Smart BottleThe Mimo Baby monitor is ideal for new parents as it is a smart baby onesie that observes respiration, skin temperature, body position, and sleeping and activity stages of an infant. The data is then delivered to a Smartphone app at an actual time where parents can arrange a series of alerts to monitor changes throughout the night hence are able to sleep peacefully without disturbance.   

#Toyota's ECO-friendly car

This year Toyota's declared recurrence of the company's faith in the practicality of zero-emission fuel cell vehicles. Fuel cell technology outwits plug-in electric cars as it merges hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity to power a car, Although the investment is significantly higher for plug-in technology, the advantage here is that hydrogen refueling takes around three to five minutes, whereas recharging  the batteries of an electric car takes anywhere from 30 minutes to hours.

# Smart Plant Pot
Parrot Pot is a hero (redeemer) for plants who rids them of evil doers or in other words those who keep forgetting to water the plants .The Bluetooth device has the ability to tell when your plant is parched, it then takes up the responsibility of watering it for you. Moreover the pot is connected to mobile devices which can regulate the levels of fertilization and temperature for those nature lovers out there.


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