Top 5 Most Famous Digital Camera Brands

4. Fujifilm:

Fujifilm is one of the most trusted brands in the market. It is known for producing one of the best selling SLR cameras in the world. At one time, Fujifilm and Kodak were the only recognized brands in the market. Though Kodak has lost its ground, Fujifilm has managed to retain its legacy. X-E1 and X-Pro1 are the latest digital cameras from Fujifilm that are loaded with cutting-edge features and provide absolutely best image quality. Fujifilm’s X-PRO1 is also the winner of prestigious EISA European Professional Compact System Camera of the year 2012-2013. 

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5. Kodak:

Kodak is a multinational company that provides materials, equipment and services related to imaging and photography. It was founded by George Eastman in 1889 and is best known for its photographic film products. At one time, it held such a dominant position in the market that the tagline ‘Kodak moment’ became synonymous with photography. A financial struggle in the late 1990’s and the subsequent slowness of its transaction to the digital era, despite having invented the core technology used in current digital cameras, led to its downfall. Presently Kodak has ceased the production of digital cameras, digital picture frames and pocket video cameras, and is focusing on corporate digital imaging market.

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