CES 2012: Who Won, Who Lost?

Loser: Ultrabooks

Ultrabooks were launched with huge publicity at CES, saying 2012 will be the year of ultrabooks. But there was not much excitement about these thinner versions of laptops, its good being thinner but it’s just a natural evolution of laptops, just like televisions are getting thinner.

The ultrabooks are supposed to be within 11 or 13 inch screen with SSD flash storage and no optical drives. But many ultrabooks at CES came up with 14 and 15 inch screen size, with SATA hard drive and optical drive. This fact created a big confusion in the concept of Ultrabook itself.

Loser: Set-Top Boxes

With the launch of Smart TVs by various television manufacturers like Samsung, LG, Panasonic and Sony the set-top boxes are losing their existence. These Smart TVs are integrated with the all the functionality to stream live TV without any set-top boxes, it can not only stream live TV but can also do internet browsing and  can also integrate social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.


Loser: CES

With 153,000 attendees and 3100 exhibitors the CES 2012 was successfully completed as a huge electronic gathering in the world. But losing one of the key partner-Microsoft will definitely affect the CES in the upcoming years. The CES have to take Microsoft’s departure seriously and should try to fill up the gap with another tech giant.
