Must Buy Gadgets in the Month of July

Bangalore: Deal is a magic word that gets everyone’s attention without fail. Whenever we think of buying anything, be it clothes, a house or gadgets we search for the best deal possible. Off lately certain online websites and portal have been in the limelight for offering some really amazing deals.

It seems like the month of July is the best month for gadget related deals.  As schools and college start their new session some of these mentioned gadgets try to aim at these target groups. This is sometimes termed as “back to school promo”.

Best Mac: Retina MacBook Pro

Price: 1,22,000

They say nothing comes cheap in life. This is true to all Apple products. In fact the best MacBook by no way is the cheapest one. Keeping in mind all the specifications and features of a Retina MacBook Pro, it is the best MacBook to buy. So if you have the money it will be well spent if you invest in a Retina MacBook Pro. And if you are a student or know a student you would be entitled to a 11,000 off and you would also get 5,500 worth iTunes gift card which you could spend on apps, movies, books and many more things in the Apple Store.