8 Smartphones Sporting Gesture Controls

#7 Lava Iris 504q           

The Smartphone comes with motion gesture controls. The phone will click pictures if you wave your hand from right to left in front of the screen. It works in only one direction. The gesture control works also on picture, video and song galleries as well as FM. You have to decide on just click a button to change FM stations or do an elaborate flick of the hand.

#6 BlackBerry Z10

There is no home button on Z10; all you have to do is upward swipe to get it. To peek and access BlackBerry Hub swipe from the bottom of the screen, slide your finger up just a little bit and the view shrinks to show your notifications. To get to the BlackBerry Hub continue sliding your finger to the right. To return to what you were doing originally, slide your finger back to the left. There are many such gestures in Z10.

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