5 Ways Google To Take Control Of Your Digital Life

Android Wear

Taking a notebook along to keep a check for the daily updates is quite a tedious job and clumsy performance wise. Android Wear is the future and an alternative, quite sophisticated, way of handling your tasks smartly. Android Wear organizes your information and even suggests what you need accordingly. Apart from the time,

you can get weather updates and receive messages from your friends. It does not let you part ways with your phone even when you are jogging as this wrist wear connects your phone to it and keep you updated. Android Wear is designed to work with Android phones running 4.3 or higher.

Android TV

Android TV is coming soon to your households to entertain you and provide you with excellent viewing experience. You can connect the TV with your television screen using set-top box, smartTV and even with video game consoles. The smart TV will track your content consumption and recommends you shows and movies. You can watch hit shows, viral videos and timeless hit movies from Google Play, YouTube and app like Netflix. Android TV will just need a voice command of what you want, like-say “The Hobbit”, “Oscar nominated movies from 2013, or simply “Johnny Depp movies” and several options will pop on your screen.

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