5 Things to Know About Mobile Radiation

2. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Apart from the danger of causing cancer mobile phones have other negative effects on a person. Many mobile phone users complain of burning or tingling sensation in the skin near the ear and head. Along with this they also complain of fatigue, sleep disturbance, reduction in mental attention, reduction in the reaction time and slow reflexes, loss of concentration, severe headaches and in some extreme  cases even disturbance in the digestion process. These can be attributed to the exposure one has to the electromagnetic waves. But this cannot be said with complete certainty as these symptoms can also be that of people suffering from stress.

But to say with utmost certainty that it is not caused because of using mobile phones will also be wrong.  It wouldn’t harm us if we reduced the time spent on the mobile phones as excessive exposure to radiations is never a good thing.
