
9.00 AM to 9.40 AM:Inaugural Keynote
Continuous Delivery
Through automation of the build, deployment, and testing process, and improved collaboration between developers, testers and operations, delivery teams can reduce cycle times and improve the quality of their software and the reliability of the release process. This is very crucial in today's world when businesses are keen to take feature changes to end users as soon as possible. From development to deployment, businesses are trying to reduce this gap as much as possible. In this talk, Ajey will discuss how to reduce the gap, what the key components are that make continuous delivery happen, and how technology and culture can not only accelerate the development process, but also bring it into your production world. This includes patterns for the development and deployment pipeline, modeling the delivery process, and patterns for zero downtime releases.
Ajey Gore, Head of Technology, ThoughtWorks India

9.40 AM to 10.20 AM:Session 1
Building scalable web applications on Amazon Web Services
Abstract ­ Amazon Web Services provide software developers and businesses with cloud-based infrastructure services that are inexpensive, reliable, scalable, comprehensive and flexible. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a service that provides resizable compute capacity (virtualized server instances) that auto-scales based on workload (as usage goes up and down). This session introduces the EC2 platform to web developers and demonstrates how they can leverage it to build highly scalable and available web applications. Attend this session to learn how Cloud enables the web developers to build the next generation web applications.
Janakiram MSV, Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services

10.20 AM to 11.00 AM:Session 2
Making of production grade applications - A Performance Architects view
Archanaa Panda, Software Architect, IBM India Software Labs

11.00 AM to 11.30 AM: Morning Break
A chance to meet up with your friends and have a cup of coffee!

11.30 AM to 12.10 PM:Session 3
Guidelines and best practices: Architecture of web applications
The phenomenal success of Apache and other open source software seems incredibly new, even revolutionary. This session covers the overall platform and architecture considerations involved in building web applications from a holistic perspective. In this engaging, interactive seminar, attendees learn how modern web sites are built.
Vivek Merani, Senior Vice President, Magnon International

12.10 PM to 12.50 PM: Session 4
Performance Engineering for WebApps
Ganesh Sahai, Quality Manager & Quality Leader, Adobe

12.50 PM to 2.00 PM: Lunch
Break for lunch and a chance to catch up with each other!

2:00 PM to 2.40 PM:Session 5
Demystifying the Internet – Tips & Tools for building & scaling up your web business
The internet means different things to different people. From a geek to a novice you will come across every kind of individual when you are in the trade. This session will give you some tips on how to avoid common pitfalls and choose the right partners that help you push your business to new heights. It will also cover techno-commercial insights into the world of web presence and how you could make the most of your skills, knowledge & network.
Tarun Davda, Business Head, BigRock

2.40 PM to 3.20 PM: Session 6
How Web Apps Professionals can tap into the largest eCommerce opportunity: The eBay way
Rajesh Ramachandran, GM - Head, eBay India

3.20 PM to 3.50 PM: Afternoon Break
Some time out for you to grab another coffee and a well earned rest.

3.50 PM to 4.30 PM: Session 7
Developing secure and high performance web applications
Premananda Adhikari, Technical Lead, Sify Technologies

4.30 PM: