Conference Schedule:
There are two exciting parallel tracks. Generic Track for Test Professionals, Leaders and Managers and Automotive Track for the Automobile testing enthusiasts.

Generic Track:This track is where the testing Professionals and Leaders will shed light on the different genres of testing in the IT sector.Combining the best software testing theories with real-world examples and where participants not only learn but actually apply it immediately to their test environments.

Automotive Track: This track will be the launch pad for the 'Test cum Automotive' enthusiasts who are interested in Quality Analysis in Automation domain. Evaluation and quality engineering services and tools that are available to improve product quality, reliability, durability, and safety will be discussed and analyzed in this track!

8:15AM - 9:00AM: Registrations Conversations and Connections

9:00AM - 9:45AM:Inaugural Keynote
Trends, issues and opportunities in software testing.
Nick Pointon , International Director and COO, SQS India

9:45AM - 10:30AM: Session
Houston - We have a problem!
T Ashok, Founder and CEO, STAG Software

10:30AM - 11:00AM: Session
The Future of Testing: How Testing and Technology will change
Mahesh Mani, Technology Evangelist, Borland Solutions

11:00AM - 11:30AM: Morning Break
A chance to meet up with your friends and have a cup of coffee!

Auditorium 1: Generic TRACK

11:30AM - 12:10PM: Session 1
Responding to Changing Business Landscape – How can Testing help?
We live in a world that fast changing in terms of business, politics, culture and society – resulting new challenges and opportunities. As IT providers, businesses look up to us to provide technology driven solutions to address these challenges. Among many dimensions of response by the businesses to these challenges (hence that of IT organizations) – agility is fast emerging as differentiating one. Ability of businesses to respond efficiently and quickly to changes to market and connected ecosystem is what agility all about. This talk focuses on how IT organizations in general and testing/QA groups in particular can help in businesses becoming agile.
Shrinivas Kulkarni, Test Solution Architect, Barclays Technology

12:10PM - 12:50PM: Session 2
The Role of Testing Professionals in Building a Safe and Secure India
In a fast growing market such as India there is a focus on the current scenario of testing and certifying products in areas such as medical, automotive, rail, defense, aerospace, nuclear, etc. In the session we will explore and discuss methodologies and best practise global software techniques in the Indian regulatory framework which test professionals may use to contribute towards building a Safe and Secure India.
Shinto Joseph, Operations and Sales Director, LDRA

12:50PM -01:50PM: Lunch
Break for lunch and a chance to catch up with other Testing enthusiasts!

01:50PM – 02:30PM: Session 3
Gateway to UAT with no blockers/high severity defects
Predominantly, functional specifications/user stories are the most significant source/input documents for writing test cases. While this is necessary to ensure test coverage, it is not sufficient to trap defects early on. What are other techniques to write power-packed test cases? How can we work with test data to detect corner cases? How is Agile testing tuned to this? This session is about empowering the testing teams to work in tandem with development teams, thus making a positive impact on software quality from the beginning of the SDLC.
Swati Pandit, Software Testing Evangelist, Persistent Systems

02:30PM – 03:10PM Session 4
What you should know to succeed in your web test automation
3 new Firefox releases, IE on 10 Beta, and Chrome on version 14. Mac is gaining ground, Windows 7 rules and Linux is not to be ignored. And then we have Dojo, Sencha, GWT, AJAX, HTML5, Web 2.0+ and Flex 4.5. Agile, Waterfall and more jargon too thrown in the mix! Web application testing was never this complex nor so direly needed. This session highlights the various challenges in web application automation, a comparison of the tools and technologies available, and guidelines on creating robust automation suites, while challenging some of the established facts/myths in the industry.
Narayan Raman ,Founder-CEO, Tyto Software

03:10PM – 03:40PM: Afternoon Break
Some time out for you to grab another coffee and a well earned rest.

03:40PM – 04:20PM Session 5
Cross Platform Mobile Application Testing
Mobile web usage statistics continue to sky rocket. Enterprises are releasing mobile apps for various platforms. Testing these apps poses significant challenges. Testers have to work with diversity of devices , number of OS Versions and fragmentation for every platform. This talk will describe the challenged in testing mobile apps, give an overview of some of the platforms specific tools as well as generic tools which can be used for cross platform testing. The talk will also cover some points to consider when building a strategy for mobile testing
Vinod Doshi, Quality Engineering Manager and QA Architect, Synerzip

04:20PM - 05:00PM: Session 6
Creating Successful Test Organization
In last 10 years, the software testing industry has undergone big change. There is continuous pressure to reduce time taken for software testing and reduce cost of testing. It's big challenge to attract new Talent, develop skillset. It's extremely important to identify fast learners and help them to grow. In the session, I will talk about strategies, best practices which worked in ever changing scenarios.
Maheshwar Kanitkar, Sr. Delivery Manager , Vertex Software
