
3.30 PM to 4.00 PM: Registration, Conversations & Connections

4.00 PM to 4:30 PM: Inaugural Keynote :

4.30 PM to 5.30 PM: PANEL: Leadership That Gets Results
A leader's singular job is to get results. Which precise leadership behaviors yield positive results. Distinguished panel speakers will throw light on the subject based on inference, experience, and instinct

5.15 PM to 5:45 PM: Keynote: Leadership Tact for Thriving in Emerging Markets

5.45 PM to 6.30 PM: PANEL: How Great Leaders Bring Out the Best in Themselves and Others
Most business leaders can take only so much pressure before their performance slides. Yet some CEOs deliver their greatest successes when times get toughest. What makes one "Better Under Pressure"?

6.30 PM to 7.00 PM: Conversations & Connections
Refreshment Break

7.45 PM to 8:15 PM: PANEL: Inspiring Excellence in Yourself and Your People
Your job as a manager is getting harder all the time. Especially in today's world of intensifying competition and economic uncertainty, the people who work for you need to shine their brightest every day. How to put the right people in the right jobs? How to enable employees to achieve mastery of their work? How to stoke your people's desire to excel?

8.15 PM Onwards: Cocktail & Dinner