Conference Schedule:
There are two exciting parallel tracks. One focuses on Applications and the other on Customizing Open Source products.

08.30 AM - 09.30 AM: Registration, Conversations & Connections

09.30 AM - 10.15 AM: Keynote Session
MySQL Strategy – State of Dolphin
MySQL - the most trusted and dependable open source database in use today. It is the most popular open source database not only because of its high performance & high reliability but also for ease of use. It is specially targeted for new generation open-source applications built on the LAMP stack. We will present the various features of MySQL database, MySQL use cases and references.
Chandra Balani, MySQL Database Country Sales Sr. Manager, Oracle India
Megha Singhvi, Open Source Evangelist, Oracle India

10.15 AM - 10.45 AM: Morning Break
A chance to meet up with your friends and have a cup of coffee!

10.45 AM - 11.30 AM: Session 1
Thinking in Patches - How the Linux Kernel has Sustained Diversity without Giving up on Efficiency
Suparna Bhattacharya, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM India

11.30 AM - 12.10 PM: Session 2
The Elephant called PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. Its proven architecture has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity and correctness. It has a vibrant community with more than 20 years of active development. Numerous tools and solutions including the ones for HA, scalability are being developed based on PostgreSQL by their own communities. The talk gives an overview of PostgreSQL, its community and ecology.
Ashutosh Bapat, Technical Architect - PostgreSQL, EnterpriseDB

12.10 PM - 12.50 PM: Session 3
Getting Things Done with MySQL: Tips and Tricks
Sanjay Manwani, Senior Software Development Manager, Oracle

12.50 PM - 01.50 PM: Lunch
Break for lunch on the house and a chance to catch up with each other!

01.50 PM - 02.30 PM: Session 4
Developing Scalable Systems through Erlang Programming
Vinoo Das, Senior Architect, Wipro Technologies

02.30 PM - 03.10 PM: Session 5
Open Standards and Open Source Frameworks – Shaping up the Future of UI Programming
This session will mainly cover the emerging trends of programming in the UI world covering HTML 5, CSS3 and Javascript frameworks. And how some opensource frameworks such as Ext.js, backbone.js, Sencha, JQuery, Phonegap are complementing towards an ubiquitous user interface for developing applications across all devices.
Jyothi Bacche, Global Head - Open Source Practice, MindTree
Varadarajan V, Chief Architect-Open Source & Emerging Technologies Practice, Mindtree

03.10 PM - 03.40 PM: Afternoon Break
Some time out for you to grab another coffee and a well earned rest!

03.40 PM – 04.20 PM: Session 6
OSS as a Competitive Advantage
OSS has often been perceived as a cheaper alternative or second choice to using proprietary software. Myths around quality and security of OSS are quite prevalent and influence technology selection in organizations. This mindset is changing, thanks to adoption of OSS in highly visible, scalable and critical projects. This talk represents OSS as a competitive advantage - one that abets security of a national programme, discourages vendor lock-in and gives plethora of options to using cutting edge technology as a differentiator. The speaker will highlight OSS technologies and usage experiences from Flipkart systems and the Aadhaar project.
Regunath Balasubramanian, Principal Architect,

04.20 PM - 05.00 PM: Session 7
Open Source Business Intelligence
Varun Gaur, Head - Center of Excellence for Open Source BI, HCL Technologies

05.00 PM: Conclusion

10.45 AM - 11.30 AM: Session 1
Tailoring Apache CloudStack to Your Business Needs
Ram Chinta, Director of Engineering - Cloud Platforms Group, Citrix Systems

11.30 AM - 12.10 PM: Session 2
Customizing Liferay Portal for Business Needs
Shubham Nagar, Co-founder & Director, InfoAxon Technologies

12.10 PM - 12.50 PM: Session 3
OpenStack and Crowbar: An Open Source Orchestration of IaaS cloud
Divyanshu Verma, Software Engineering Manager, Dell R & D

12.50 PM - 01.50 PM: Lunch
Break for lunch on the house and a chance to catch up with each other!

01.50 PM - 02.30 PM: Session 4
PostgreSQL in the PrimeTime with EnterpriseDB
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. Its proven architecture has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity and correctness. It has a vibrant community with more than 20 years of active development. Numerous tools and solutions including the ones for HA, scalability are being developed based on PostgreSQL by their own communities. The talk gives an overview of PostgreSQL, its community and ecology.
Divya Mahajan, Manager Sales - South India, EnterpriseDB

02.30 PM - 03.10 PM: Session 5
Open Source Data Quality: How to Customize it?
Vivek Kumar Singh, Open Source Evangelist, Independent Developer

03.10 PM - 03.40 PM: Afternoon Break
Some time out for you to grab another coffee and a well earned rest!

03.40 PM – 04.20 PM: Session 6
Be Big With Open Source
SugarCRM for StartUps and developer community – How small companies can use SugarCRM to track their sales and support activities and how developers can enhance their careers by understanding extendible architectures. How open source has become a key driver for company stability and growth.
Ram Kumar LK, Founder and Director, Bhea Knowledge Technologies

04.20 PM - 05.00 PM: Session 7
Customizing Ubuntu to Client Environment
Omshivprakash H L, Head - Technology & Training, Carmatec

05.00 PM: Conclusion