Conference Schedule:
There are two exciting parallel tracks.

HRM Track: This track covers ten sessions on wide-range of human resource topics, combining the best practical theories with real-world examples. Here, Participants not only learn but actually can apply it immediately to their competitive environment.

Recruitment Track: This track will focus Recruitment process, challenges, and recruitment tools & technology. You will learn strategies & best solutions for different aspects of Recruitment.

Auditorium 1: HRM TRACK

08.30AM - 09.30AM: Registration

09.30AM - 10.00AM: Inaugural Keynote

10.00AM - 10.30AM: Session 1
Smart HR Manager – What does it mean to be “SMART”?

10.30AM - 11.00AM: Session 2
Awesome New technologies for HRM

11.00AM - 11.25AM: Morning Break
A chance to meet up with your friends and have a cup of coffee on the house!

11.30PM - 12.00PM Session 3
Talent Management & Engagement: Major issue

12.00PM - 12.30PM: Session 4
Organization’s Future: Employee learning & development

12.30PM - 01.00PM: Session 5
Excellent workplace: Increase productivity & ROI

01.05PM - 01.45 PM: Lunch
Break for lunch on the house and a chance to catch up with each other!

02.00PM - 02.30PM: Session 6
Leadership Acquisition and Workforce Challenges within your Team

02.30PM - 03.00PM: Session 7
Diversity Management: Challenge for success

03.00PM - 03.30PM: Session 8
Work Life Balance

03.30PM - 04.00PM:
Some time out for you to grab another coffee and a well earned rest.

04.00PM - 04.30PM: Session 9
Employee Benefits Technology: Successful retention

04.30PM - 05.00PM: Session 10
Employee complains & Conflict management
