
Venus College of Engineering, Rajasthan

Venus College of Engineering, Rajasthan

Venus College of Engineering, Rajasthan About: Technical education has now been recognized as the important segment in the development of our Nation. Enormous potential and resources are now available at the hands of talented youngsters. Sea- changes are occurring globally and the question mark is as to how the technological institutions in India are going to contribute and to which percentage. Now the Venus College of Engineering is certified by the World's Largest University, IGNOU, New Delhi. At present, IGNOU is offering over 300 Programmes and has about 2.2 million students on its roll. The University operates through a strong network of more than 60 Regional Centres. There are around 2500 IGNOU Study Centres across the country and 41 overseas Centres, which provide individualised support to the learners. Venus as an Engineering Institution has been serving since 1976 and has been awarded ISO 9001 : 2000 in the year 2004 by QSI, America. We provide Diploma &...
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Think always out of box. Never stick to old methods. As a QA professional, you are the gate keeper for any bugs, Make sure your gate keeping job/observations/QA should catch them, before products gets released. Else you are not doing your job that really requires for any successful product.
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