Jyothi Gosala

Agency Chief

Shubang Communications

The Challenges Of An Entrepreneur In India

The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step..

Every journey starts with a  vision & a plan to acheive the set goals. The journey of an entrepreneur is considered to be the most challenging one as it is not a laid path. One has to create the path & achieve the mission  by looking for pastures that enhance the path in emering new markets. The challenges are many but the determination & willpower to reach the targets will smoothen the path.

The initial infatuation with India is over and reality has set in. But the markets cant be ignored. So why take a chance in this extraordinary and complex region? What does it take to win in India? How do you deal with the chaos—and even prosper from it? But it is also a complex and challenging market, with a reputation for corruption, uncertainty, and stultifying bureaucracy.

Hard as these markets are, for most firms the bigger challenge to success in emerging markets may well be the internal culture and mind-set of people. The unwillingness to make a long-term commitment to the new market or to adequately trust local leadership, combined with the propensity to rigidly replicate the products, business models, and operating systems that have worked at home drives many companies to a “midway trap” that results in India remaining an irrelevantly small contributor to global growth and profits.

If you want to succeed in the twenty-first century, you must succeed in emerging markets. Hard as these markets are, for most  firms the bigger challenge to success in emerging markets may well be the internal culture and mind-set of people. The unwillingness to make a long-term commitment to the new market or to adequately trust local leadership, combined with the propensity to rigidly replicate the products, business models, and operating systems that have worked at home drives many companies to a “midway trap” that results in India remaining an irrelevantly small contributor to global growth and profits.

Many a entrepreneurs have succeded by criss-crossing the turbulent times & showing the emerging entrepreneurs a definite path. Its hard at first but not not an unacheivable dream.