Suresh Menon

Principal Consultant

Digital Stream Consulting

Entreprenaur Blues

My struggle to become a entrepreneur started during the slowdown in the global software market place, the lessons learnt from this struggle can help young small entrepreneur’s to rectify their mettle to do business. I had a background of more than a decade working as a employee for various large corporate houses where my roles were very challenging which helped to gain foothold in laying a path for a business which was working on the model of channel partnership with various MNC’s and their Products. I was venturing into sales as business requires you to be a salesperson first and then a technical person later. In this journey of entrepreneurship which started for six years I saw various unethical practices and some were ethical practices.

Unethical practices included people asking for a huge amount of money as investment without a proper business roadmap being presented to me. I would recommend all young entrepreneur’s to get the proper business roadmap before you invest as we are not chairman’s of large enterprises to absorb the shock of wrong investment. Secondly if there is no proper channel support from the parent company business will not grow. Every business man big or small has hope that someday his business will grow but I was a small time businessman and this hope made me to invest my base capital also in business this let to my downfall and in today’s world you will not get an angel investor to bring up your business.

I would also recommend youngsters who are in software industry to create Prototypes of Software products and try to sell it to various sectors building a product takes time but then at the end of the day you have a readymade product to sell to customers.

Meanwhile the recession started receding in 2012 and things started to pick up luckily I was getting offers to work as technical consultant in various big corporates.

These are the lessons learnt from a small time businessman which are that if you don’t have a family inherited business or your financial background is not very strong please be careful to enter the waters of business with a single foot forward and not with both feet.


The author has worked in various capacities incorporates as Project Manager, Test Manager, Implementation Manager, ERP Consultant and can be contacted on sureshmenonr1009@gmail.com.