Prakash Kumar Rath

Manager Reservoir


11 Common Techniques To Make Computer Tasks Simpler

1)    Apply keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keys, that when pressed,

can be used to perform a task.

Ctrl+F4( to close a page), Alt+F4 (to close the active item or exit the active program), Ctrl+Esc ( to open the start menu)use arrow keys to select an item.

Alt+Tab (switch between open programs), Alt+underlined letter in menu (opens the menu), Shift+Delete (deletes an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin)

 Ctrl+A (to select all  items in a document or window),  Ctrl+P( to print a page),  Ctrl+C( to copy the selected item) , Ctrl+X  (to cut the selected item),  Ctrl+V( to paste the selection).

Ctrl+arrows(left right  )to move the cursor one word left or right. Ctrl+arrows(up down) to move the cursor to beginning or end of the paragraph.  Esc (to cancel the current task).


2) Use macros for data presentations in Excel

A macro saves you time by combining a series of actions into a single command. Macros are ideal for tasks you frequently perform.

Recording and running a Macro:  click on tools - click on macro - click on record  macro.

-type name of macro in the dialogue box appears -  assign a key board short cut to the new macro -  click on tab create  -  start recording the macro - click stop recording when all actions are over -  save the macro.

Use  run to run the macro from tool menu or use shortcut key.

3)    Use mouse settings

Adjust the speed of your cursor to your personal liking.

Click on control panel.

Click on mouse icon

Go to pointer option tab. Under ‘motion’ drag the sliding arrow to adjust the speed of your mouse.

4)    Slow motion presentation of data in Excel

Set cursor speed what you like and record a macro on the activities and run the macro. For example create a bar chart and record all actions.

You can customize your cursor for the fun of it or to increase visibility. Goto  pointer tab on mouse dialogue box for setting pointer by selecting pointer you like.

5)    Tabular data presentation.

Present information in tabular form for better insight. Information when transformed and presented in tabular form it becomes easy to understand and make decisions. Tables can be created   in word , excel and many  other applications. Excel  is designed to help you calculate the results of formulas and help you analyze numerical data. You can enter different types of information such as text, numbers ,date ,times, formulas and functions and display information using different formats.

 Many situations a quantitative description to a qualitative teaching can be given using tables of data. Big textual documents can be transformed to tabular form to make things understandable and clear to common people.  (examples : legal documents like affidavits, agreements  on properties or financial documents: buying selling properties, taking loan etc. Transforming  such documents into tabular form by writing the information in small  arranged pieces  makes  the material transparent and easy to follow.)

6)    Use functions  average  max  min  autosum to perform common calculations quickly in Excel. Use charts for graphical presentations of data and make data more understandable. Compare data and view pattern and trends using options for visual interaction .

Click on the cell where you want to enter a function. Click   insert function  button on the formula bar. The insert function feature leads you through the process of inserting a function and specifying the appropriate cell addresses in the function.

7)    Apply conditional formatting

You can use conditional formatting to pick out an important data or range of data from huge list.

Example: for working with pattern filling, for changing color of cell apply conditional formatting. This can help you quickly locate important data on a large worksheet .Select the cells you want excel to format when the data meets a condition. Click on format – conditional formats – select an operation – operator to use (in new versions of excel start from Home – style -  conditional formatting)

8)    Change the screen resolution

Right click a blank area on desk top. Click on properties . Click on settings in properties dialogue box. Drag the glider to select the screen resolution you want to use. High resolution makes graphs and pictures sharper. High definition (HD) display  implies higher resolution.

9)    Use slide show for presentations in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint enables you to add animation and sound to a presentation. Make individual slides with appropriate information. Prepare a self running show .Choose the slide show menu and choose view show. Use set up show dialogue box to set timings between slides, you can set the same timings for all slides(for example a 20-second delay between each slide.) you can set a separate timing for each slide individually.

10)   Use favorites in browser

Favorites is a timesaving feature of browsers that allow you to save the URLs of your favorite websites or web pages you visit frequently. You can use keyboard shortcut  Ctrl+D   to book mark a page

And organize book marks by  ctrl+shift+B

11)Most commercial applications perform multiple tasks, with each task typically assigned its own form. The menu of choices provides the users with a summary of what the application can do and is created as either a set of command buttons or as a menu bar.  You can learn about an application by going through the menus.