World's 10 Hottest Property Markets

World's 10 Hottest Property Markets

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, November 20, 2012   |    1 Comments

Bangalore: Over the years, property prices have elevated across the globe. Although the initial investment on property could be colossal, but it's all worth it, as the return on investment is equally good along with the appreciation. Besides, real estate market is becoming competitive day by day. With the change in economy and the soaring property prices, Knight Frank, a real estate consultancy brought out a report of the hottest real estate markets across the world. Below is the list of such places, as listed by

1) London

London is the capital city of United Kingdom. Besides its fastest growing nature, London is one favorite hotspot for luxury property buyers. After the formation of new government, the interest rates on property have got little relaxation which attracts potential buyers to buy property. The growing demand of luxury real estate and relaxed taxation laws make London one of the most expensive cities to buy property. The most sought after location in London are One Hyde Park and Kensington Palace Gardens, which houses billionaires like Lakshmi Mittal, Roman Abramovich and so on.

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