12 Important Questions to Ask Before Buying a House

12 Important Questions to Ask Before Buying a House

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, May 3, 2012   |    1 Comments

Bangalore:  Home buying is not an easy task; in fact it is one tough job buyers need to do. Owning a home requires a lot of involvement as well as responsibility. Now, the question is how to meet your goal of buying a house smoothly? Below is the list of questions you need to ask yourself as well as the builder before buying a house.

Questions you need to ask yourself:

1) Have enough money for down payment?

Before buying a house, check if you have enough money for down payment. Usually, there is no set of limit for down payments; it depends on how much money you can manage from your pocket. If you can pay more for down payment, the lesser loan you have to take from bank, resulting in shorter loan tenure. Try to keep aside sizeable amount for down payment before you finalize a deal.