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MBA Colleges > Strathclyde University - UK
Strathclyde University  - UK

Strathclyde University - UK

Welcome to Strathclyde University - UK

About The University of Strathclyde :

It's over 210 years since Professor John Anderson's legacy established what is now the University of Strathclyde.

Strathclyde is 'the place of useful learning' - this ethos dates directly from Professor Anderson, who was considered quite a revolutionary among university academics of his day. Committed to education for the working men and women of Glasgow, he articulated, loudly and clearly, the link he perceived between education and economic growth and prosperity. He was determined that no institution with which he was concerned should ever discriminate against someone because of their religion, race or gender.

When he died in 1796 Professor Anderson left a bequest in his will for the establishment of 'a second higher education institution' in Glasgow which would be a place of 'useful learning' and of education for all, regardless of gender or social class.

Schools And Colleges :

Strathclyde MSc in Business and Management(MBM) :
The increasing complexity of the business environment has placed a premium on those who understand business in a cohesive,cross-functional way, and can communicate their ideas effectively. The MBM is specifically designed to provide high-calibre recent graduates with a solid foundation in understanding what business is about while developing the skills and awareness needed to be a successful manager.

It enables you to to expand your career options by combining the specialist knowledge of your undergraduate degree with a broad and general business and management postgraduate education. The quality of the programme is such that we are able to offer you the opportunity to convert your MBM into the internationally recognised Strathclyde MBA, after, of course, you have gained appropriate work experience.

Engineering :
# Electrical Power Engineering with Business
# Electronic & Electrical Engineering
# Engineering Design
# Engineering, Environmental
# Engineering, Marine
# Engineering, Subsea
# Engineering, Sustainable
# Biomedical Engineering
# Civil Engineering
# Computer Aided Engineering Design

Mental Health Officer Award Programme Information : The Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health Social Work (Mental Health Officer) Award prepares experienced and qualified, Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) registered, social workers to undertake the statutory role of Mental Health Officer.  As such it is only available to those qualified social workers currently employed by local authorities.

The primary purpose of this Award is to train social workers for appointment to the role of Mental Health Officer, as defined in Section 32 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003, and as qualified by the direction of the Scottish Ministers (Requirements for appointment as Mental Health Officers) Direction (January 2009).  In 2007, the SSSC published a new set of standards and practice competencies for MHO training, which stated that the Award must be provided by a University, within a programme provider partnership, delivered at SCQF Level 11, which equates with Masters level, and be approved by the SSSC as a Specialist Course.  Consequently a partnership involving University of Strathclyde (Glasgow School of Social Work), Glasgow Caledonian University and the 13 local authorities in the West of Scotland, represented by the Scottish Social Services Council Learning Network West, was established to develop and deliver the new Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health Social Work (MHO) Award.