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MBA Colleges > Southeastern University - USA
Southeastern University - USA

Southeastern University - USA

Welcome to Southeastern University - USA

About Southeastern University

The  Southeastern University is one of the most critical decisions you will make. We believe too much of modern education is a slice-and-dice experience that makes students in one major resent taking courses in others. A "university" is not supposed to be a chop-shop collection of trade schools on one campus. That's a "poly-versity." At Southeastern University, we are asking hard questions about God and culture. Insightful-thinking believers do not want a life or an education that's a disjointed jigsaw puzzle. At Southeastern University we are trying to "put it together" for students who are ready to "get it together.about what it means to be a Christian as a teacher, counselor, pastor, accountant, preacher, or musician? Ready to grapple with questions about God and materialism in America before you tackle a marketing career? Consider Southeastern.

School & College At Southeastern University:

College of Business At Southeastern UniversitySoutheastern University College of Business and Legal Studies is comprised of the Department of Business Administration and Department of Historical, Legal, and Leadership Studies. Both departments equip students to become ethical, skillful, and internationally astute leaders--whether they pursue careers in business, government, the academy, or non-profits.  Southeastern University In addition, students pursuing majors in the Department of Business Administration or Department of Historical, Legal, and Leadership Studies benefit from the synergies that exist--and have existed historically--between business, law, economics, and public policy.