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MBA Colleges > Ohio State University - USA
Ohio State University - USA

Ohio State University - USA

Welcome to Ohio State University - USA

Ohio State University :

About Ohio State University: We believe college can be a reality for everyone, no matter your income or background. It's a matter of finding good information, the right people to help and planning wisely.Ohio's Appalachian region is a diverse and unique region which has historically faced severe economic challenges. Many students from Appalachia are first-generation college students, and many are from small, rural communities. Students who are first-generation college students often face additional challenges adjusting to college life, as family does not share "what to expect" at college. This group will provide opportunities to have fun while give back to Appalachian communities through several means, including inspiring Appalachian middle and high school students to take the steps necessary to reach higher education. This group will also combat the negative stereotypes that exist about Appalachian communities by fun and effective outreach to the campus community. Students who are not from Appalachia but would like to participate are also welcome!  Email economicaccess@osu.edu for more information.

School & Colleges :

College of Medicine At Ohio State University : Ohio State University Medical Center. By every measure, we’re an organization on the move -- a rise that is reflected in our national rankings. Currently ranked 27th in the 2010 U.S. News & World Report's "America’s Best Graduate Schools," the Ohio State University College of Medicine has made one of the greatest leaps in rankings history, gaining 17 positions since 2003 among public and private medical colleges and schools of osteopathic medicine.More than 170 of our faculty are listed in Best Doctors in America, and Ohio State has led the nation three years in a row in the number of faculty elected to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.We’ve embarked on a massive 15-year construction program that will set the standard for academic medical centers of the future, creating dramatic and dynamic research, clinical and learning environments. And we’re becoming a world leader in advancing personalized health care, a revolutionary new brand of health care delivery based on each person’s unique biological, behavioral and environmental characteristics.

College of engineering At Ohio State University : 1870, Ohio State has focused on engineering and the sciences since its beginning. The Department of Mathematics and Engineering was one of the original seven departments, and in 1882 the School of Engineering was instituted. Today, Ohio State University offer 13 undergraduate and 17 graduate engineering programs through our 11 engineering departments, as well as two undergraduate and three graduate degrees from the Knowlt on School of Architecture. More than 6,000 students take courses taught by faculty members in the College of Engineering, and we proudly boast more than 48,000 alumni from around the globe. The quality of Ohio State’s engineering educational experience continues to be among the very best in the country. According to the U.S. News and World Report, Ohio State’s College of Engineering is solidly among the top engineering schools in the nation.