Overseas Education
MBA Colleges > Durham University - UK
Durham University - UK

Durham University - UK

Welcome to Durham University - UK

About The Durham University :

Durham University is distinctive - a Collegiate University with ancient traditions and modern values. We seek to achieve the highest distinction in research and scholarship which make a real difference to societies world-wide. We are equally committed to excellence in all aspects of learning, education and the transmission of knowledge.

But, Durham University is much more than that. The World Heritage Site at the heart of our University has been a leading centre of scholarship for over 1000 years. We are proud to be home to staff and students who reflect the values and ambitions of every from culture around the world. We value a rounded education for those students with the greatest potential and motivation - tomorrow's leaders - and through our distinctive College communities instil in our students a sense of community, leadership, social responsibility and the opportunity to explore their passion to make a difference in whatever sphere of life they choose.

Schools And Colleges :

Business School (School of Economics, Finance and Business) : Durham Business School combines the rich history and heritage of Durham University, with a progressive, dynamic approach to business education and research.

The School offers a supportive and collegiate learning environment in keeping with the University’s long tradition of providing high quality education.

At the same time we are an innovative, enterprising, and forward-looking school: preparing students to follow their career paths in the modern business world; and undertaking world-class research.

School of Medicine and Health : Medicine at Durham University ranked fourth in the UK in the Independent league tables
Our hallmark is innovation at local and international levels and we seek to make a difference in the quality of care provided to people. We aim to equip our students for life long learning against a background of ever evolving knowledge and health systems. We employ modern teaching methods and new technologies to deliver service relevant undergraduate medical training, postgraduate courses and research

School of Engineering and Computing Sciences (ECS) : Here you will find information (including the entry requirements and application process) on both our undergraduate (BSc, BEng and MEng) .This section covers the research degrees available (MSc by research and PhD) together with the academic groupings and areas currently under investigation within the School.