Swami Vivekananda Continues to Inspire the Youth of India

He constantly strived to show the youth the power of being an individual with a strong frame of mind, one that is decisive and persuasive and to be focused, never letting go of one’s sight from the goal. He is the real guide for encouragement, his words still and always will bring solace and strength to those who find the wisdom and truth that lies in it. As seen in his quotes like, “See for the highest, aim at that highest, and you shall reach the highest,” and “Things are not bettered, but we are bettered, by making changes in them.” These words speak volumes of his belief and the importance of encouragement to the youth.

The need to render and keep the spirits of Vivekananda’s teachings alive is immense. There are many organizations and youths in the country who are connected and moved with the profound insightful teaching of Swami Vivekananda and constantly do their share to spread his word to the many in India and in the world.

Some of the youth in India have expressed their opinion on Swami Vivekananda and his teachings. Considering that it is his 150th birth anniversary on 12 January 2013, celebrated as the National Youth Day, many see it as a celebration of invincible spirit and undying passion to attain their goals and success in life.

Also Read: Swami Vivekananda: A Turning Point in History of India