India's Most Innovative Social Media Campaigns

Road To Champions, Pepsi: Pepsi was the official sponsor of the ICC champions trophy. They took advantage of their position to engage with their fans and followers in social media and present them with a unique experience. You have to login to the micro site ‘’ through your Facebook, twitter or instagram account and share your favorite cricketing moments by posting photos or videos.For each post, you gain some points in kilometers. The person, who has covered the most distance in kilometers, gets a chance to fly to the Champion’s trophy venue in London and toss the coin for the final match.

Office 365, Microsoft: They launched three different campaigns for Facebook, twitter and the blogger community. The Office 365 blogger outreach program wanted the bloggers to share what they’ve learnt about office 365 through the blogs. The best share takes home a Nokia Lumia 800. The SorryBoss twitter handle in twitter wanted you to share the lamest excuse you’ve ever used to escape from work. The most retweeted share wins a Nokia 620. Then there’s the Completely Boss app on Facebook that told you the story of an airlines employee and wanted suggestions from you for the various problems he was facing. At the end of it all, you get to know how the Office 365 tool helped the employee get over his problems.

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