How to Fund Your Startup?

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Angel financing
How to Fund Your Startup?
With more and more venture, getting funds is becoming easier. Many of the venture capitalists are moving into funding startups in the earlier stages to get access to the freshest deals and the brightest, new entrepreneurs. Angel and seed financing comes into play before a business has launched its product, or shortly thereafter. It's the money you need to make it happen out of the gate. There are a few sources of angel financing: Venture capitalists: Involving venture capitalists would ensure higher amounts of funds and they are more accessible than other investors. Strategic angels: Someone having expertise in the industry or the domain would not only fund the startup, but also give expertise, contacts and legitimacy to the startup. Non-strategic angels: These include wealthy people looking out to invest their money and diversify their portfolio. The problem is that they don't usually so finding them can be tricky.