How to Find Top Talent for Your Start-Up

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Fremont: Recruiting great talent is an important element for your company, especially when it comes to startups. Companies are struggling to find great talent and right kind of employees for their organization. A startup environment is more adventurous as compared to the established one where challenges of learning and working are low as compared to a startup company. However, when it comes to recruitment, they follow the same old simple norm of placing employment advertisement, accepting and screening resumes, conducting interviews and making an offer letter. This process does not provide a guarantee for success in screening the best employees for your organization and neither are they cost effective. Below mentioned are few such points that can help you find great talent for your startup.

Personal Network

recruiting, talent pool, startup, challenges of recruiting, personal networkThe easiest way is to start from home. See if you have anyone in your family and friends that suits the requirement best. Approach them and ask them to join your company. If not, then ask them to provide references whom you can contact for the related position. Create master lists of industry leaders and other potential employees form customers, colleagues, co-workers and friends. Develop a plan to share your job description with them through mail, e-mail and on the Net. Keep doing follow-up for every good lead.

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