Famous Entrepreneurs and their Zodiac Signs

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Henry Ford
Famous Entrepreneurs and their Zodiac Signs
Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, revolutionalized the transportation industry with the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. He had a global vision, and was immensely committed to systematically lower the costs, which resulted in many technical and business innovations. After being promoted as the Chief Engineer of the Edison Illuminating Company, he used his time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on gasoline engines. He created a massive publicity machine in Detroit to ensure every newspaper carried the story. He amassed one of the world's largest fortunes without ever having his company audited under his administration. He was the pioneer of "The five-dollar workday", and was adamantly against labor unions. Born on July 30, he had the traits of his zodiac Leo, who consider themselves indispensible and the center of the universe. They are idealistic, humane, and beneficent. Having powerful intelligence and broad philosophical turn of mind, they will cling on to their traditional beliefs. It's the Leo's unswerving courage that win so many folks over.