How can Entrepreneurs Show their employees that they Care

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Fremont: People prefer to work in a startup as it has a fun environment and a relaxed feel. But since you are the entrepreneur, you might have a lot of responsibilities, and crazy deadlines, which might make your employees feel that you are being too pushy, and the office environment may seem like a pressure cooker. In such a case how do you make your employees realize that you really do care for them as individuals? Setup an Online Suggestion Box
How Can Entrepreneurs Show Their Employees That They Care
Entrepreneurs can set up an online system for the employees to give feedback. No one knows the company better than the employees, so setting up a suggestion-box would not only help to get the insider views, but also help to overcome the company's shortcomings. This will let the employees know that you really care for what you feel. The most important point is that you should, as the entrepreneur make sure that you read each and every comment, and respond to them. This will only reassure the employees that the time that they have spent to type the comments has not gone waste.

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