10 Least Corrupt Countries in the World

8 Norway
Score: 85
Norway is on the eighth place on the Index. It provides comprehensive guidance and sufficient training to the senior officers and officials on corruption risks. The country also has a fully integrated regime making it an exception among other countries. As said by the General Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Erik Lund-Isaksen, “Corruption is a major focus for the Norwegian Ministry of Defence and its Armed Forces. We are proud to have established a legal framework, a code of conduct, and a statement of values as guidance on appropriate conduct by officers and officials,” as reported by norway.org.au.

Score: 85
Australia ties with Norway scoring the same on the index. The ethnic regime and the comprehensive guidance given to the officials to ward off corruption in Australia are similar to that of Norway standards. Australia has the leading anti corruption body called the Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC). The goal of CCC is to enhance the integrity of the Western Australian public sector and to assist public sector agencies in minimizing and managing misconduct.

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