10 Frugal Billionaires Who Hate To Live A Life King-Size

2. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook
Net worth: $9.4 billion

After being ranked as one of the richest billionaires for several times, this Facebook mastermind surprisingly leads a low-key lifestyle.  Few days ago, Zuckerberg bought a $7 million house in Palo Alto, which Los Angeles Times called the home "still well below his means."

Rather than having a lavish car, this 28-year old businessmen prefers to drive an Acura and wears a same gray t-shirt and hoodie to work every day.

3. Chuck Feeney, co-founder of Duty Free Shoppers Group
Net worth: currently $2 million (he's given away billions)

Co-founder of Duty Free Shoppers, Chuck Feeney’s biggest motto is: "I set out to work hard, not get rich.” He is denoted more than $4 billion to disadvantaged children and public health initiatives and still likes to remain an anonymous donor.

According to his biographer former Irish Times journalist Conor O Clery, when he travels he dresses up just like a causal American tourist and prefer to have cheapest wine, where he has the capacity to buy an expensive wine company.

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