10 Best Business Ideas with Low Investment

6. Start Your Online Internet Business Like Selling on eBay

You can start a business by selling your goods on internet. You can make good use of Websites like Ebay to sell your goods. Here you can put your product on action where the buyers will bid. This will give you the opportunity to get the best prices for your product.

The biggest investment in this business is “Time”. You will have to constantly sit in front of your internet and be aware of the latest bid.

7) SEO Consultant

SEO means Search engine optimization. SEO consultants are those individuals who are experts in keeping your internet marketing strategy at pace.

There are thousands of websites and blogs that are created every day, but most of them do not survive for more than few months. The reason behind this is many people don’t know how to market their blogs and get high ratings.

Starting a SEO consultant will be very easy, quick to set up and does not require much of investment. In case you don’t know SEO, you can take a training which will not last for more than 3 months.

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