No Affordable Houses Available At Rs.8-15 Lakhs In India - Page 3

No Affordable Houses Available At bigimg8-15 Lakhs In India

By siliconindia   |   Monday, July 7, 2014

The U.S. is yet to recover from the shock of high interest rate. Properties in cities like Dallas of the same comparable size as any in India will be available at about 50 percent the cost.

There has to be a drastic change in the way the banking sector views the building sector. The housing deficit in India by the planning commission’s own estimate of 2011 is at about 45 million houses. The catch is that only about 8-10 million of these massive housing deficits is in the upper and middle income segments. The rest of it lies for homes that are statistically projected to be for those who are in the income groups of 8,000 to 25,000 a month. 

The affordable housing segment has been one that has generated a lot of interest in seminars and in workshops; however it has not found any economic securities among builders.

The cost of land permitted to be doing as floor space index in most cities does not permit a builder to be offering affordable homes at the price of rs8 to 15 lakhs, that market can actually absorb. Japan and Singapore perfected models where the simultaneous buying and selling of commodities on land was moved out of the equation for builders in their countries.

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