
Ganesh Subhash Nangare

Ganesh Subhash Nangare
B.Tech/B.E. Electronics & Telecommunication

About Ganesh Subhash Nangare

Hi,I am here for social networking. I would like to make new friends. I have completed Engineering in E&TC branch from university of Pune.I am searching the job right now so you can also suggest me any opportunity for getting the right job.

Ganesh Subhash Nangare ’s experience

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Ganesh Subhash Nangare ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Electronics & Telecommunica...],
SNJB's COE, Nashik.(Affiliated by Pune University) [August,2010] , Nasik, INDIA
Diploma [Electronics & Telecommunication],
Government Polytechnic, Pune(Autonomous Institute) [June,2006] , Pune, INDIA
Dnyandeep Vidyalaya, Nigdi-Pune [June,2003] , Pune, INDIA

Ganesh Subhash Nangare ’s additional information

Reading novels, Playing computer games
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