iPad-aholic: Confessions of 7 Tech CEOs

Bangalore:  With the iPad’s image as a business tool coming of age, more and more people are switching sides on the debate of whether the iPad will be more relevant as the traveling CEO's workhorse.

In an interview with Mashable, seven tech titans dealing with diverse areas ranging from travel to social causes revealed that they used their iPads and even depended on them for both work as well as pleasure.

Here’s what they had to say about their iPad obsession in their own words:

1. Alexis Ohanian

Co-founder of Reddit, a social news website (one that notably went dark in protest of SOPA).

He doesn’t use his iPad (he has the first version of the tablet) “for much more than playing music in the bathroom while I shower and playing MinoMonsters in bed,” but the fact that one would take an iPad to the bathroom and use it during a shower says something for itself, don’t you think?