8 Sports That Can Make You Super Rich

2. Boxing

A standout amongst the most unsafe games in the world, boxing is additionally considered as a real part of the absolute best paying sport. No doubt the famous boxers earn a tremendous amount of money as they additionally get benefit from Pay-Per-View commissions, wagering and supports. Unbelievable boxer Mike Tyson initially bested the Forbes list of Richest Players in 1991 with $28.6 million and rehashed the same in 1996 with an aggregate pay of $75 million.

Previous worldwide boxer Evander Holyfield topped the Forbes list of Richest Players with $60.5 million in 1992. After a short break, Floyd Mayweather finished the list with $85 million salary in 2012 and again accomplished the primary spot in 2014 with $105 million pay.

3. Auto racing

Numerous occasions of auto dashing, for example, the Grand Prix of Formula1 or Nascar are considered among the most noteworthy paying events in the history of sports. The inclusion of dangers is bargained by extraordinary winning sums and a few supports of presumed brands.

F1 legend Michael Schumacher accomplished the primary spot of the Forbes list of Richest Players in 1999 with an aggregate wage of $49 million and again accomplished the same in 2000 with $59 million.

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