Trend Report! The Red Hot Fashion Forecast For 2015

#2.Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta has always been a bit unorthodox in his fashion sense. The launch of his new store in Mumbai further added proof of his unconventional ways as it exempted the ordinary practices of fashion shows and cocktails party. In its place however, he produced an exclusive fashion and art exhibit at the Delhi Art Gallery.

Gaurav Gupta Similarly, His 2014 haute couture collection exuded an airy theme that akin to softer hues, fluid drapes, baroque detailing and sheer panels. Moreover, the sought-after aesthetic quality will flow through 2015 as well.

“It will be about non bling. "Designs will be sophisticated, intelligent and subtle. "Cerebral design will find more and more embracers," said Gupta

#3.Ritu Kumar

For Ritu Kumar , 2014 was all about expanding her territories. Not only did she get involve French designer Samy Chalon to her essence of international touch, but also got Everstone to invest 100 crore for an private minority stake in her fashion house.

"It was a year of expansion, both in terms of size and the qualitative creative process," Ritu Kumar exciamed.

For 2015, she plans on executing her exclusive couture in alliance with French designers to deliver an avant-garde cutting and a cosmopolitan feel to the designs. The faddish compilation of creative association will comprise of Indian Tuxedo Line. Western silhouettes and Indian motifs have been fused in this collaboration that directly features tailored jackets, trousers and shirts.

"At the other end of the spectrum, I am working on Banaras handlooms," said Kumar, who is sitting with weavers and craftsmen as we speak. "This is part of her revival programme and we shall get to see some results from this in 2015. Furthermore, "You will find more Banaras handlooms in my coming collections," she said.


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