Top 10 Technologically Advanced Wrist Watches

# Tread 1

Tread 1 can be called as the most delicate watch ever. It has mechanical parts, which gives it an old classic looks. Having mechanical parts means that there is some degree of noise associated with the way this watch works. Fortunately, this watch has a silent mode.

The seconds belt movement is turned off in the silent mode, thus creating less noise. It is said to contain 2/1000th of an inch of thin belts. The belts move around with the help of an individual micro step electric motor. Tread 1 also contains a rechargeable lithium polymer cell, which give this watch a decent backup.

# Sony Smart Watch

Samsung’s rival in Smartphone is Sony. It is very difficult to say who is leading but each company is offering something unique. Samsung and Sony offers Smart watch that runs on Android. This implies that these watches are compatible to a wide range of Android devices.

Sony’s Smart watch gives a very gentle vibration when it tries to notify the user for texts, tweets, and emails. The screen size is small as compared to the Samsung’s Galaxy Gear. Thus, it makes it hard for to get used to this screen size. The screen will be difficult to manipulate for people with big hands.

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