Some Ghats in India Where One Can Spend a Wonderful Evening

Jain Ghat, Varanasi


Jain Ghat, located in Varanasi is the birthplace of Suparshvanatha, the 7th Tirthankara of Jains. The Ghat previously known as Vaccharaja Ghat has three Jain temples. It is believed that Jain Maharajas used to own these ghats.

Scindia Ghat, Varanasi

Scindia Ghat also known as Sindhe Ghat has a Shiv temple that is partially submerged in the river. Many influential shrines of Kashi are located in a tight maze of alleys of Siddha Kshetra (Field of fulfillment). Devotees believe that ‘Agni’ (God of Fire) was born in this place and pray for a son.

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