India's Top 10 Honeymoon Destinations to Choose Over Foreign Locations

Andaman Islands, Nature’s Serenity:

Located in the serene eastern coast of India, Andaman Islands is one of the popular destinations for newly-wedded couples. This place resembles the earth when God first created it. So, why visit Madagascar to enjoy serenity of the nature, when we have one in our own country?

 On these inhabited islands, the place is abounded with fresh air, green foliage, blue waters and white beaches. Cruising, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, Trekking, and other activities will enthrall you and your partner.

You can even go to the Andaman Water Sports Complex, where you will get facilities for water skiing, windsurfing, and speed boating and milder activities. Pitching a tent on the beach or trekking through the forest with borrowed trekking equipments will get you closer to your spouse.

In addition, you can enjoy places like Neil Island, Rangat, Long Island, Mayapur, and Diglipur. Don't forget to capture photographs with your spouse to bookmark the memories in this stunning place.

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