8 Outrageous Things That Went Viral On The Internet

ice bucket challengeIce Bucket Challenge

This social media campaign drenched the world in 2014. It was started to spread the awareness of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis- ALS and encourage for funding the same.

The challenge went viral on the cyberspace which involved getting drenched by tipping a bucket of ice over oneself followed by nominating your friends for repeating the same.

The reason it became popular was that celebrities were taking up this challenge. Later the craze faded and it became more of a “clothes-off-challenge” and people gave up dumping their heads with ice cold water.


They are all over the internet. They make you laugh like a hyena. Internet got everyone slouching on this trend in a big way. They are doltish, blunt yet hilarious- all at the same time. Memes are made out of a picture usually a popular one with funny captions on it. The best part is you can make your own memes and wait!

This might make you popular on internet. But make sure the caption doesn’t read, “Wants to become a boyfriend……Becomes a Meme!”

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